Here is a short video for people enamored of Avatar, of avatars in general, and/or of Photoshop.
Birth of an AVATAR from Peter Ammentorp Lund on Vimeo
Remember, you can Full Screen it using the icon (4 little arrows pointing out to screen edges?) in the lower right of the video screen.
Thanks to John Nack for posting it.
An “Avatar” is a thing?? I thought it was a character’s name, like Huckleberry Finn, or The Great Gatsby.
An avatar is a manifestation of a personal existence in the material (or other, like virtual) world. Sort of like the race car (or top hat)in Monopoly; it moves around the game (or life) for you.
I know, I’ve learned about Avatars since my first comment……
I’m sorry, I can’t reply now. My avatar has a cold.