Adobe Labs has a new video release featuring the Content Aware Fill Feature suggesting that there may be more of this to come in Adobe Photoshop CS5 + Adobe CS5 Suites + CS5 Master Collection.
Since this post was originally published, several other videos have been released, and Adobe has announced that they would reveal details about
Photoshop CS5, Photoshop Extended, Creative Suite CS5, + the CS5 Master Collection on April 12.Video: Rule of Thirds Overlay Revealed in Sneak Peek Video for Adobe Photoshop CS5
Adobe Photoshop CS5 News: First debuted at the Siggraph conference, the New Technology is being presented as the shape of things to come, like maybe in Adobe Photoshop CS5??? There are a few disclaimers in and about this video, basically saying that it is the direction of the new technology, but…might or might not be included in the new release of Photoshop CS5.
What will the details of Adobe Photoshop CS5 be?
See Adobe Photoshop CS5 News – Price – New Features – Pre-order
The Adobe Labs video shows how Photoshop can be made to do it’s own filling in of an area, kind of like a ‘Smart Spotting’ tool a few steps beyond what Healing tools already do.
First, there’s animals in them thar hills:
Then, well, they’re gone!

Look Ma! Them critters is gone!!!
The video can be viewed here on the Facebook page that’s hosting it: Content Aware Fill in Photoshop
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