Photographer Stephen Wilkes worked on images in the hospital complex at Ellis Island for five years. The infectious disease and psychiatric wings were his primary subjects.

The resulting striking Ilfochrome prints are being exhibited at The Steuben Gallery, 667 Madison Avenue, New York City; on display from November 19, 2009 through January 2010. Ellis Island – Ghosts of Freedom has been published by W. W. Norton & Co.

The New York Times’ Margaret Loke wrote ” Each of the rooms that he photographs with care seems to have its own luxurious color scheme. Mr. Wilkes sees pleasing palettes of impressionism in walls and ceilings of peeling paint.”
Lots of ghosts in those. The opening scene in “Brother from Another Planet” comes to mind.
Ah, ‘Brother from Another Planet’, now there’s a movie you don’t hear referenced too often!
I think if you look for ghosts, you’re likely to find ’em. I think we carry the echoes with us.