Should I buy CS5? Is Adobe® Photoshop® CS5 or Photoshop CS5 Extended worth the price?
Adobe Photoshop CS5 has many new features for general users and for photographers in particular.
See: Adobe Photoshop CS5 What Are the New Features for Photographers
But, are these new features worth the cost of upgrading to you?
My conclusions are below.
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The answer of whether a CS5 upgrade is worth the price to you will depend on several points you must answer for yourself:
- How do you use Photoshop?Click to jump to the appropriate conclusion
- Are you a hobbyist?
- Are you a serious digital photo enthusiast?
- Are you a digital artist?
- Are you a professional photographer, artist, designer?
- Are you a student or teacher?
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- What version you have now?
- CS4 – There are significant and minor changes from Photoshop CS3
- CS3 – Major changes from Photoshop CS2
- CS2 – So many major improvements from CS
- CS – Very significant changes from 7 – almost a different program
- 7 – Wow! You should really consider upgrading now.
- Pre-7 versions – This is like sooo last millennium.
- Photoshop Elements (any version)
- No Photoshop version
- How many hours do you spend on Photoshop?
- Do you open Photoshop once in a while?
- Use Photoshop several times a month?
- Do you use Photoshop every day?
- Do you use Photoshop for work?
- At a job?
- As an independent contractor
- In a design field?
- How soon do you plan to use the new features?
- In a few weeks
- For the Fall 21010 semester
- After I finish a few more projects
- Immediately
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- If you are a professional photographer, image maker, artist, or designer of any kind
- You should definitely upgrade to CS5 for the following benefits:
- Improved workflow features
- Better performance
- 64-bit support
- Enhanced ACR 6 RAW processing
- Lens Correction Lens Profiles
- Content-Aware Fill
- Painting + Brush improvements
- HDR Pro
- Refine Edge revisions
- GPU Graphics processor improvements
- You should definitely upgrade to CS5 for the following benefits:
Adobe Photoshop CS5 – Creative Suite CS5 – CS5 Master Collection – USA Store
- If you are serious about your digital photography
- You should seriously consider the CS5 upgrade for pretty much the same reasons as above
- Enhanced ACR 6 RAW processing
- Lens Correction Lens Profiles
- Content-Aware Fill
- Painting + Brush improvements
- HDR Pro
- Refine Edge revisions
- GPU Graphics processor improvements
- 64-bit support
- You should seriously consider the CS5 upgrade for pretty much the same reasons as above
- If you are a hobbyist
- This is less clear. The learning curve is still very steep
- You will learn with the latest technologies
- Sooner or later you will want these features anyway
- >If you spend much time at Photoshop you will at least be in the current loop
- The new features make your images better, faster, with less work
- This is less clear. The learning curve is still very steep
- If you are a Digital Artist
- You will benefit greatly from many of Photoshop CS5’s new features
- The Painting + Brush improvements are massive over previous versions
- Content-Aware Fill can save you a lot of time
- GPU Graphics processor improvements accelerates the visuals
- The other feautre of benefit to photographers may help you as well
- You will benefit greatly from many of Photoshop CS5’s new features
- If you are a student now, or a teacher
- Buy an Educational or Academic versionwhile you are a student, or teacher
- You can still use it after you finish classes
- You can use it now or then for commercial work
- You can upgrade in the future with no penalty as if it isn’t an academic version
- Buy an Educational or Academic versionwhile you are a student, or teacher
Adobe Discounts for Students + Teachers from JourneyEd – CS5
- If you will be using the new features immediately
- If you won’t be using the program right away
- Wait
- In the digital world things change all the time
- If you won’t be using a camera, computer, software right away
- It will be cheaper eventually (Photoshop is generally an exception, price drops are rare)
- May have better features when you decide to buy
- If you won’t be using a camera, computer, software right away
- In the digital world things change all the time
- Wait
The Best Prices from the Adobe USA Store
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