Why Your Next Digital Camera Sux!
And, the one you buy after that, too!
That’s because we are still in the adolescent years of digital imaging.
Ken Storch Photo Blog – All Things Photographic, All Thoughts Photographic
Why Your Next Digital Camera Sux!
And, the one you buy after that, too!
That’s because we are still in the adolescent years of digital imaging.
Why yet another photo blog?
There are many sites ‘focused’ on photography, of course.
Most of those sites are hardware oriented (cameras, equipment, software, gadgets, etc.) and look only at the ‘stuff’ or the ‘how-to’.
I expect to cover that and much more.
Area residents astonished!
Said a casual browser, “I’ve been on those internets for years and I ain’t never seen nothing like this before!”
Thanks for tuning in.
This a view I shot of a stunning piece of architecture by Piranisi in Florence, Italy.
It was shot handheld, on Kodak TMAX 3200 1/4 sec. at f5.6 on an older Nikon FE2 camera sporting a classic 24mm 2.8 MF lens.