Adobe has just updated their CS6 Printing Guide and it’s now available for free downloading. This update covers all appropriate CS6 Creative Suite applications including Photoshop, InDesign, Acrobat Xl, and Illustrator. It is intended to provide not only an overview of the Adobe CS6 approach to graphics, but also technical reference, training, problem solving, PDF production, and RIP technologies.
The Photoshop specific section begins on page 57, starting with a review of new related features, an explanation of resolution and resampling, color modes, 3D, vectors, clipping paths, Smart Filters, EPS, JPEG, before moving on to the actual printing from Photoshop that you were probably looking for, on page 71.
This guide is a good place to learn the basics of how the Creative Suite 6 approaches output, and modern printing, i.e. the Adobe Graphics Model, and how each application’s special circumstances apply to getting the best print results.
It’s worth a read for anyone serious about their print quality and workflow, as well as for anyone trying to learn more about how Adobe tools, in say Photoshop, can be used for better prints.
Adobe Creative Suite 6 CS6 Printing Guide – Direct Link
Download, read, enjoy.