This is a practical list, in a chart, of F-stops, Shutter Speeds, and ISO settings showing the one third (1/3) stop and one half (1/2) stop increments as well as the whole stop settings. It is intended to help understanding of all the in between numbers for photographers, and students of photography.
How many times have you wondered why there are so many numbers in your digital camera F Stop settings? “I know some of the numbers, but what about the rest?” or “It’s making me dizzy!” ;> )
In the pursuit of clarity I’m offering this list of ISO, F/stops and Shutter Speeds for your personal or educational use.
Photoshop CS6
The central darker column shows the whole Shutter Speeds, or whole F-stops (apertures), or whole ISO sensitivity speeds. The column to the immediate right has the in between settings of one third stops, and two thirds stops. The column to the immediate left shows the in between settings by halves.
Further info can be found in my Photography Article ISO – Shutter Speeds – F stops
You can print and use this list freely for personal or educational use, but please leave the copyright info intact. And please, link to this page. Don’t distribute the file yourself, as a courtesy. Thanks for your understanding.
Ken Storch
Thanks. I’m a beginner, and I get mixed up on the relationship between all the F stops and shutter speeds. This helps, great!
Good to hear.
Print it out and refer to the list once in a while.
Eventually the pattern will become clearer
This is cool. thanks. i like that it shows the thirds.
Thanks for this list – it has and will be very useful for my understanding of the different stops etc that make up an exposure.
Could you check the half f/stop between 2.8 and 4.0 – should it be 3.5?
HI Deidre,
I’m glad that this list is helpful.
I did a lot of research while putting it together.
Many major camera companies vary in the 1/2 and 1/3 stop designations which are all rounded up or down from the real ratio fractions. Some companies even vary internally, with different numbers in different parts of their documentation, and even from lens to lens.
It certainly varies by the period in which the materials or equipment were designed.
I settled on some of the numbers by consensus, that is; most lenses and resources tend to use these numbers in recent years.
If you have a more definitive source, send a link.
Thanks for your feedback.
Thank you very much for this!
Tremendous help!
Glad you found it useful, Effie.
It’s the most downloaded area of this site, but only rarely commented upon.
Thanks for your comment!
Great reference, thanks!
Josh, thanks for the comment. I missed this when you posted (away from telecom on a trip 😉
thanks. saw your comment above in 4., so had to say a personal thank you.
Thanks to you too, David.