Last Updated: 31 October, 2009
Novelty Pop Bubble Gum images pictured here represent part of the collection curated by Guest Blog Author and hot bubble gum aficionado Steve Rosenberg for your chewing pleasure. Eat it up!
Pop Bubble Gum images as Pop Art
I started my pop bubble gum collection when someone gave me my first piece, novelty Mr. “T” Gold Chain bubble gum. It features a great bubble gum picture of Mr. T on the package. This piece opened my eyes to the world of novelty bubble gum images, and now I always keep my eyes open for other pop bubble gum oddities.
Unfortunately it was a fragile piece and is not in good enough condition to display.

Pizza to Blo – this is one my favorites (Editor’s Note: Bubble Gum with Candy Topping!)
Once word got out that I was collecting them, friends and acquaintances began giving me new pieces for the collection.

In keeping with the hot ‘Italian’ bubble gum theme.
This photo essay features 12 of the almost 50 pieces in my collection.

Bologna Bubble Gum – I like this because the packaging is so much like the real thing.
These items seem to appear in convenience stores on a fairly regular basis, but these days less and less.

Doggie Man Bubble Gum – I love the doggie man picture. The mustard is actually candy

Pop Gum – Popcorn flavored gum – I never actually tasted this one.

Again, the packaging really impresses me. The gum actually looks like noodles.
(Editor’s Note: Here we move from novelty ‘food’ Bubble Gum to non food items. Anything can happen now!)

Another well done package.

A big bag full of shredded gum.

Sand-like bubble gum with CANDY ANTS (featuring chocolate jimmies as the ants.)

Ouch bubble gum – actually a metal box, like real bandaids.

Cyndi Lauper collectible cards with bubble gum images- though technically not a novelty item like the others, who could resist this bubble gum picture?

Pick ‘n chews bubble gum – squeeze and the nostrils open. The gum nuggets then fall out.
One note – when my older son was about seven years old, he and a friend stumbled on my collection of gum, and thought they had hit the mother load of all bubble gum.
They were found up in the plum tree going at it, chewing the different gums. Fortunately they hadn’t gotten far, and the collection pieces they chewed were replaced.
(Editor’s note: Becca, Steve’s wife and mother of said child, remembers the incident this way: I was heard to yell “I hope you realize you’re chewing up your College Fund!” )
Stumped for Photo Projects Ideas? Images of quirky collections are finding homes and little mini galleries on the web.
Join in. Got Bubble Gum images? Send them to our ‘Submit Your Work‘ page.
I was never a bubble gum fan, but now I realize what I was missing. As for the collection’s value as a college fund I would be careful. We’ve had a few other economic bubbles pop in recent times. Go short.
Yes, I believe what Mr. Rosenberg meant to convey is that any investors (the really savvy ones) should contact us directly before the collection moves to Sothebys. Since the Rosenbergs have a second college fund to move forward, any reasonable offer will be considered.
Becca Biggs
Curator of the International Rosenberg Novelty Bubble Collection
Um. I’d like to start the bidding on the Cyndi Lauper pack. Simply because girls just wanna have fun!
Thanks Jamie. I’ll leave this one in my will for you
makes any PEZ collection seem positively boring in comparison
I’ll never look at gum the same way again
Thanks Lee. I don’t know, there are some pretty cool Pez pieces out there.
hey where did u buy them , or ur friends buy them
hi sofia,
these belong to my friend, Steve, who wrote the piece.
I believe he just picked them up over time, and some were given to him by friends.
if you want more info I’ll ask him.
let me know.
These novelties were found in various odd places, but most in corner convenience stores. I’m always surprised when I come upon them in unexpected places like dollar stores or bargain basements. Keep your eyes open and tell your friends. Most of my collection were gifts from friends. Thanks for your interest.
P.S. A search on the internet for novelty gum might turn up some treasure.
These days, an internet search for novelty gum often turns up your thread ! 😉