Adobe has just announced that they will be offering a special pricing on upgrades to Creative Suite 6 CS6 to owners of earlier versions. This is their attempt to settle the many questions, arising from the previous confusing announcements, regarding who will be eligible for future upgrades.
Owners of the earlier versions, Creative Suite CS3, and Creative Suite CS4, will be eligible for upgrade special prices to Creative Suite 6, from the date CS6 is officially announced (not the shipping date) until December 31, 2012.
Adobe Creative Cloud Upgrade FAQ’s
Adobe is hoping to move people into this new subscription purchasing model. Instead of just buying a physical copy, once, the Creative Cloud version will keep upgrading as long as the subscription is current.
As far as we know now, this backwards upgrade policy from CS3 and CS4 is only offered when users buy the Creative Cloud version of the Creative Suite 6. In other words, the info we have is that purchasers of physical copies (boxed or downloaded) will have to be using CS5 or CS5.5 to be eligible for upgrade prices to Creative Suite 6 products.
So, the way it looks now, is that users who like the way they’ve been buying Adobe products in the past will have to have CS5 or CS5.5 for upgrade pricing eligibility, and those wanting (or merely willing) to move into the Creative Cloud subscription system will be able to get the special upgrade prices even if they currently have CS3 or CS4 (from the CS6 official announcement till Dec. 31, 2012).
This Adobe announcement will likely add to the questions of eligibility since it creates another tier of users. Subscribe to get emails from, for further updates and hopefully, clarifications.
See: When is Adobe Photoshop CS6 Coming Out
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